Letter 4: Facts and Feelings

“This Qur’an was revealed in seven forms, so recite what is easiest!” said Muhammad. (Al-Bukhari vol. VI, Page 482, Chapter LXI (5) Vs. 514, Mishkatul Masabih vol. 3, pp.702-704; Tafsir of at – Tabari and Commentary of al – Baidawi).


It has been suggested that this refers to different dialects. But that cannot be the case. It means different texts.


We must also realise that the Uthmani version of the Qur’an is actually a revision of earlier texts. Besides the version of the Qur’an, which was collected and collated on the suggestion of Abu Bakr and Umar by Zaid b Thabith, there existed a number of other texts, compiled by men even better equipped than Zaid, like Abdallah b. Mas’ud, Ubay b.Ka’b and Abu Moosa.


The revision of the Qur’an was ordered by Uthman, because the various Qur’an collections competed with each other. After the Uthmani revision was completed, all previous versions were burned. It surely is significant that even the copy compiled by Zaid, which at that time was in the possession of Muhammad’s widow Hafsa, was destroyed (by Marwan ibn-al-Hakam, Governor of Medinah) (al-Bukhari vol. VI, page 477-479; Chapter LXI3 vs. 509, Mishkatul Masabih vol. 3, Page 664, Masahif by Ibn Abi Dawood, pp.24, 25, and ibn Asakir, vs. 445).


Now, that is a tremendous thing to do: it is the obliteration and destruction of evidence! We are glad to say, however, that since these early texts had been memorised by many, they have survived in recorded theological debates and can be compared with the Uthmani version. Besides many minor variations, some had more Suras or Ayas than others. We also find omitted, changed and added texts (Masahif by Ibn Abi Dawood, pp.24, 25, and ibn Asakir, vs. 445). Ibn Abu Dawood’s collection of these differing portions of the Qur’an fills several hundred pages, by the way.


Being aware of this, let us add to the believing heart a critical, yet open mind. Critical not toward God – for who are we to question Him? But toward man and his claims!


Again I must beg you not to consider what I write as an affront. I do not write this to offend or hurt you. On the contrary, I do want you “to come to a knowledge of the truth” (1 Timothy 2:4), as the Bible says.


Yours sincerely,